I understand that the Pickering Wellness Centre's clinic naturopath is a Naturopathic Physician, and will use only natural, non-invasive methods of assessment and treatment.
I understand that any advice given to me as a patient at Pickering Wellness Centre is not mutually exclusive from any treatment or advice I may now, or in the future, be receiving from another health care provider.
I understand that I am at liberty to seek, or to continue medical care from another health care provider qualified to practice in Ontario.
I understand that the Naturopathic Doctor reserves the right to determine which cases fall outside of their scope of practice, and an appropriate referral will be recommended.
I understand that I am accepting or rejecting this care by my own free will.
I understand that no employee or Naturopathic Doctor at Pickering Wellness Centre is suggesting to me to refrain from seeking the advice of another health care provider.
I understand that the services offered here are not covered by OHIP, and that fees are payable at the time of appointment; including fees for services, prescriptions, and laboratory tests.
I understand that 24 hours' notice is required for appointment cancellation, otherwise I will be responsible for the cancellation fee.
I understand that any therapies recommended will be explained to me in full by the Naturopathic doctor, and that I will give consent to treatment based on informed consent.
I agree to disclose any and all medical conditions which may affect the effectiveness or side effects of Naturopathic care
I consent to receive and to transmit information via email with Pickering Wellness Centre.
I place no liability upon Pickering Wellness Centre's Naturopathic Physician or the Pickering Wellness Centre for unforeseen effects or side effects of the treatments received.
Please be advised that by agreeing verbally when present with the doctor you are agreeing to the practitioner of Pickering Wellness Centre treat your health care in an integrated way using the knowledge of the associates within our practice.